Driving female leadership in the meetings industry: challenges and opportunities

Female leadership in the meetings industry is a crucial issue in the search of equity and progress. Although women make up approximately 70% of the global workforce in business events, remain underrepresented in management roles. This poses significant challenges, but also opportunities to promote inclusion and diversity in this important area.

H2: Challenges of female leadership in the meetings industry

According to a research report launched by the PCMA Foundation and Business Events Sydney (BESydney), women leaders are not only underrepresented compared to their numbers in the events business, but also lag behind the average of women in senior management roles. The findings of the research project reveal a series of personal, organizational and social challenges that hinder the advancement of women in leadership roles:

Pay Equity

Achieving pay equity remains a struggle for many women in the industry. meetings, with persistent pay disparities compared to their male counterparts.

Work-life balance

Women often face the challenge of balancing work responsibilities with family and caregiving responsibilities, which can hinder their ability to advance in their careers.

Career progression opportunities

The lack of opportunities Clear career progression and limited access to leadership roles can hinder the advancement of women in the industry.

Support and mentoring

Lack of support for learning and growth, as well as limited mentoring and sponsorship opportunities, are also significant barriers to female leadership in the meetings industry.

Discrimination and gender bias

Gender discrimination, both by management, colleagues and clients, continues to be a persistent problem that hinders the advancement of women in management roles.

Opportunities to promote female leadership

Despite these challenges, there are significant opportunities to promote female leadership in the meetings industry:

Awareness and commitment

It is essential to raise awareness about the importance of female leadership and actively engage in promoting gender equality at all levels of the industry.

Fostering an inclusive environment

Organizations can work to create inclusive work environments that support the development and advancement of women in leadership roles.

Mentoring and sponsorship programs

Implementing formal mentoring and sponsorship programs can provide women with the support and guidance needed to advance their careers.

Professional Development

Offering professional development, training and continuous learning opportunities can help close the skills gap and empower women to take on leadership roles.

Values-based leadership

Promoting values-based leadership, which recognizes and values ​​the unique skills and perspectives of women, is essential to creating an inclusive and equitable work environment.


Female leadership in the industry meetings It is essential to drive progress and innovation. By addressing challenges and seizing opportunities to promote gender equality, we can build a more inclusive and diverse industry that benefits everyone. It is time to move towards a future where female leadership is the norm, not the exception.

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