5 KPIs to measure the success of your event

When it comes to the organization of corporate events, measuring success is essential to evaluate the return on investment and understand what aspects worked according to your objectives. At Panama Convention Center, the convention center larger and technologically advanced de Panama, we know that the effectiveness of your corporate events is -really- a priority. For this reason, today we present five KPIs (or Key Performance Indicators) that will help you analyze the results of your corporate events and, if necessary, optimize them to continue providing the best experience. 

  1. Attendance and participation: The number of Attendees and their level of participation are indicators of how attractive and relevant the corporate events. Measures attendance relative to expected numbers and participation in interactive activities. Panama Convention Center can accommodate up to 23,000 guests, making it the ideal location for corporate events of great magnitude.
  2. Feedback from attendees: The opinions and comments of attendees are valuable. Survey participants before and after the event to assess their satisfaction and gather ideas for future events. 
  3. Generation of leads and conversions: If one of your objectives is to generate business opportunities or sales, measure the number of leads or conversions that resulted from your corporate event. This can be through commercial agreements, new contacts or direct sales. Everything is measurable.
  4. Impact on social networks: The power of social media can never be underestimated. Monitor the number of mentions, interactions and followers gained on social platforms during and after the event.
  5. Return on investment (ROI): Calculate the ROI by analyzing the costs of the event in relation to the benefits obtained based on the objectives set, whether direct income, savings or improvements in the image, reputation and positioning of the brand.

Panama Convention Center offers exceptional spaces for the organization of corporate events, from exhibition halls to banquet halls with capacity for thousands of guests. Besides, our team provides services logistics and maintenance on electrical, plumbing, telecommunications, compressed air, water supply, drainage and cleaning to ensure your event is a worry-free success.

In summary, choosing a suitable location and evaluating effective KPIs are key elements to measure the success of your corporate events. At Panama Convention Center, we have the infrastructure and experience to host large-scale events and help you achieve your goals. ¡Contact us and discover how we can make your next event a <strong>success</strong>!